The Deadly Sins: Cursed Items

The Cursed Items are a collection of relics which grants the holder special abilities and powers. These were airdropped to those who were first to uncover the secret of our first scavenger hunt.

This is an all-inclusive game ready asset, meaning it provides the user every Cursed Item in the Overworld with their individual utilities. These being:

  • Cursed Amulet: Significant staking yield bonus [more information here]. Also, shakes in the Overworld when getting close to hidden $ETERNAL spawns.

  • Cursed Rings: Each ring provides a different attack/defence move, creating a competitive advantage in the Overworld's Arena.

  • Cursed Grimoire: Ability to cast magic traps, which can be used tactically when defeating monsters or in the Overworld's Arena.

  • Cursed Mask: Can be used to unlock a hidden pathways in the dark side of the Overworld.

Cursed Items Policy ID: b70962ff89093b9bdfda0883f10c8cea59bd1b908a5f184e375fb947


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